Back to the drawing board.

After discussing the concept with my peers I decided to go ahead and create storyboards and a rough animatic. After discussing this animatic and my ideas more thuroughly, it was decided that I had too much going on. I was desperate to get as many of my ideas into this film as I could and as a consiquence it made the story complex and too packed full of ideas that could probably go on to create a few seperate animations or a feature.
I was told to think more simpley and as I had no structure in my narrative, I was asked to look into the 3 part structure,

The 3 part structure:
This includes, establishing the main character, something happens to upset the ballence of said character's world and then finally resolving the situation with the character somehow changed from the experience.

as In this idea i had no real main character it didn't really have a structure so I went away and started to brainstorm new ideas.

I first started by trying to alter the story I already had. This let to some ideas such as having an army of elves helping Santa, having lots of santas, having the story mainly about santa going round to the childrens houses one by one and destroying the toys with weapons such as ninja death star style candy cains or toy guns that shoot a cock on a string. One Idea even had the toy being evil and freezing all the kids on the spot, or even into monkeys and the toys were created by a giant monkey.
It was at this point I decided to think up an entirly new idea.

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