Revamped script

After showing this scrip to my tutor ,Leonie, we did another short brainstorm over the script, as I came up with the idea to have the aliens coming to earth to seek out satan but as they are cearly incompitant they mispell it and end up abducting Santa by mistake. This leads to the main alien getting annoyed

the revamped script:

U.F-HO (Working title)
By Robin Brown

Start off in space with a picture of the earth

enter spaceship as voice overs say,

Alien#1: Earth! Its so puny! Are you sure this is where we will find the entity known as Satan!?

Alien#2: Yes! I have the exact coordinates! But we must hurry as this is the one night a year he has ever been sighted!

cut to inside space ship
close up on alien#1

Alien#1: Excellent! Full speed ahead!

pan out to reveal alien#3

Alien#3: But what if somebody sees us!?

Alien#1 gets frustrated and turns around slapping alien#3

Alien#1: Nobody must see us!!!

alien#3 sulks

cut to santa riding his sleigh


Santa slowly makes his way from the right side of the screen to the left, clouds fly by and suddenly the space ship whizzes past from the left side of the screen in front of santa and then comes back from the right side and positions itself above santa and sends a claw down to grab and abduct him.

Inside the space ship Santa is going ballistic

Santa: Who are you!? What are you doing!? Let me go!!

one if the hideous alien creatures appear and approaches Santa and circles him, as big metallic tentacles strap him down

Alien#1: SO, you are the one they call Satan!

Santa: What!? Nooo I'm Santa! I bring good tidings to one and all!

Alien#1: Fool! Your simple mind tricks will not work on my far superior brain!

Alien#2 enters

Alien#2: Actually sir, his story checks out

alien#1 turns around looking furocious!

Alien#1: WHAT!?

Alien#2: It appears xeebop misspelled the name

Alien#1: That idiot!! Dispose of him!

Alien#2: Aye aye cap'n!

Alien#2 flicks a switch resulting in a trap door beneath xeebop opening (or a large tube over head sucks him up and spits him out on the exterior shot)

Alien#3/xeebop: ...Uh-oh.

he falls through the sky plummeting down

cut to inside of a peaceful house as xeebop comes flying out of the fireplace

A child comes peeping round the door

Child: Santa?

Alien#3/xeebop is just a big blob on the floor and slowly reforms, towering over the child.

the child screams which in turn makes the alien scream

cut back to the space ship

Alien#1: Not him you imbecile! Santa!! You have five seconds to get him back on this ship and this guy off it! (pointing to santa)

Alien#2: Aye aye!

Alien#1: Five!

keep cutting back from alien#1 counting and alien#3 and child screaming

Alien#3: Aaaaaaa

Alien#1: four!

Child: aaaaaaaaaaaa

Alien#1: Three!

Alien#3: aaaaaaarrr

child: aaaaaarrrrr

Alien#1: Two!

cut back to shot of alien#3 and child both screaming as giant metal claw that abducted santa comes from the left side of the screen and drags alien#3 into the fire place

cut to inside of space ship

Alien#1 Right! We're going home!

Aliens#2 & 3: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwah!

Cut to shot of chimney and ufo above it as santa drops

Alien#1: You know te rules. We can't be seen

the UFO then takes off to the left and back on from the left but closer and zooms off to the right

Cut to the house and Santa bumbling down the chimney

child: Santa!

santa looks bewildered and confused but manages to pull a toy from somewhere as he says,

Santa: errr...Merry Christmas Timmy!


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